Monday, November 26, 2012

Fridge Frames!

So, I've been needing some way to organize the outside of our fridge.  I know that the fridge is never going to look perfect, but a Mom can dream!  :-)  I found these laser cut frames at Michaels yesterday and instantly thought of how awesome they would look on the fridge!  I painted them black, glued on magnets and voila!  Instant fridge art/organization!

The possibilities are endless with what you could do with these.  I will probably decorate the frames in the future with some cool vintage sparkle, but for now, I'm happy with this look.  I should have taken a before picture, but if you can imagine the side of the fridge covered in pictures and paper, then you've got an idea of the "before."

I also painted and put magnets on two smaller frames and used them on the front of the fridge.

This was a very quick and easy project.  
Gotta love instant gratification!

Happy Creating!

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